Large breasts can cause physical back, neck and shoulder pain as well as emotional and social anxiety. En bloc capsulectomy is a breast enhancement and reconstructive procedure that reshapes the breasts in order to make them smaller, lighter, and firmer. The en bloc capsulectomy is done by removing excess fat, breast tissue, and skin. Women who take advantage of the en bloc capsulectomy procedure find that they are able to lead a healthier, more comfortable life, in addition to enjoying a beautiful, more proportionate appearance.

If you’re a woman with smaller breasts than you desire, Breast Augmentation San Diego might help you enhance your appearance if you think your breasts are too small or that one is smaller than the other, adjust for a reduction in the size of your breasts after pregnancy or even correct uneven breasts after breast surgery for other conditions.

Our en bloc capsulectomy and Breast Augmentation San Diego patients are statistically happy with their decision. Women who’ve had our en bloc capsulectomy or Breast Augmentation San Diego talk about the positive changes in their life - including increased self-confidence, more pleasure in relationships, and the freedom to wear clothing they had avoided in the past.

Recovery from en bloc capsulectomy and Breast Augmentation San Diego is surprisingly quick for most patients. If you have a desk job, you can usually return to work within a week. Although you’ll have to take a break from workouts, you should be able to ease back into aerobic activity and exercise not involving the chest in about one month. Your surgeon will let you know when it’s okay to go back to your regular routine.

While some breast surgeries, such as Breast Augmentation San Diego, are considered elective and ineligible for insurance coverage, en bloc capsulectomy can be different. Many cases are deemed “medically necessary” because oversized breasts can cause chronic neck, back and shoulder pain and other health concerns such as skin infection and irritation. An en bloc capsulectomy performed for medical reasons may be eligible for partial or complete coverage by some insurance companies. It’s best to confirm with your individual insurer.